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Here is a scenario to look at. You have been arrested for a capital crime. You're not guilty of the crime. If you intend to defend yourself, even if you are an attorney or a judge, your chances of winning the case is very slim. There are various reasons why this is true but mostly it is because of the circumstances involved with what is going on. To get your freedom back you will have to pay an attorney a large sum of money to represent you. Sure, you're absolutely innocent of the charges but they don't arrest people they know to be innocent. They only arrest those that have some possible involvement in the crime. If there is anything about you that could make you a suspect they can and will arrest you unless you happen to have a water proof alibi. Now how many of us live our lives logging in every event we do throughout our daily lives with the intent of having an alibi. I, for one, do not do this and you probably don't do this either.
The idea here is that if you hire a professional council to defend your arrest you have a very good chance of being acquitted. One fact in law that is always present. If you're ever convicted of a capital crime and you are innocent the case will be closed and the guilty party can go absolutely fee. Even if you can get a reversal on the case through an appeal that guilty party may never get caught. The case was tried. Someone was found guilty and the case is closed. There is no exception to this is there.
The point of this scenario, with reference to starting your own business, is that 80 to 90 percent, by estimates, that start their own business do so without a single bit of professional help or business training whatsoever. Therefore, because of the complexity of the processes of business, 65 to 70 percent of those businesses will fail within 3 to 5 years. When we relate this to being represented in a court case by someone that is emotionally involved or not qualified to represent us we have an 80 to 90 percent chance of losing that case and being found guilty. That also applies to the business start up process.
If you don't get professional help you will be planning to fail in any business that you ever start. Your chances of success are minimal to say the least. There isn't a lot of training available out there for entrepreneurs or new business start-ups. If you were a business professional and able to start and successfully operate a business you wouldn't be a new start up would you? But everyone who starts their own business usually does this without any training or any assistance whatsoever. These are the horror stories you hear about that keep you from starting your own business.
The cost of learning about business and the functions required to make them successful can either be very high or they can be very inexpensive and lucrative. If you don't mind the costs you can try the business venture like everyone else. You can be assured that you could spend as much as $250,000.00 on this and still fail. I can attest to this personally. I did this very thing and I lasted 4 and half years at the process. I failed because I had no business knowledge whatsoever.
True, I did learn something from the process. I learned that I needed to get more training. Of course I could have done it like all the others out there are doing, which is down talk the start up business and talk about how I failed. These are the stories that most of us hear and they make us look at a lot of reasons we buy into that we don't want to waste $250,000.00 and fail doing this. We, as human beings, don't like failure very much, yet we venture into a situation where our lack of knowledge will pretty much insure our personal failure.
In the process of doing this I made the personal decision that I wanted to find out how I failed and why I failed. Others have made it doing exactly what I was doing. How did some of them succeed? From this, about 1 year after I closed my business, I had a chance to go to a course at a local college called Entrepreneurial Business Management. It was within the first 3 weeks that I realized exactly what mistake I made that caused my failure. As the course proceeded the mistakes were piling up and toward the end of the course I knew everything that I did or didn't do that led up to my business failure. There were a lot of mistakes I made and this is exactly what every other start up that fails is doing with their businesses. Looking back at those mistakes there was no way I could succeed in the business world. I knew nothing at all about business and I was going to learn it all the hard way. It was expensive but I closed the doors not owing any money in the process. I estimate that it cost me about $100,000.00 to get the business to the point of losing in the process with no chances for success. It was the lack of knowledge that did me in with that business. That motivated me to learn what I needed to succeed in the future.
The problems I found with the course was that what they taught was only a small sample of what a person should know before they do anything in the business world. I began to seek out many sources to fill the gaps. I developed a program that would become a business consulting service that is successful today. This is my main business and I offer many services that are made up of about 3 to 5 years of research in the processes of owning and operating a business. As a result I now have many businesses that are starting up. Some are internet related and others are set up to service local customers.
The decision was recently made to make this business national and even international if possible. I have provided my services to a lot of local businesses and only one of them failed. That business didn't fail because the person had no business knowledge. It failed because the owner made a bad decision to sell the business to a very unscrupulous individual who gave it back to her after he totally ruined it and its reputation in the community. She is now doing a business with her husband and they are doing well. She has taken what she learned from our consulting service and is applying it to that business.
We have recently developed a full line of products and information about business that you can purchase. We are expanding our consulting business and training other individuals on how to train others in the world that want to start their own businesses. We are planning seminars that will provide a multitude of business information to those that want to sign up for the actual courses we have designed for their benefit.
That scenario I pointed about above, where you could spend up to or more than $250,000.00 trying to start a business, can be done at about a cost of a maximum of $35,000.00 which would include a year's worth of consulting and mentoring services from us. And the degree of success is greatly increased above that to about 75% possibility of success. That, my friend, is a very good set of odds compared to doing things in business the usual way it was done in the past.
One of the main benefits of learning about how to set up your business with help from us would place you in a position where you can compete with a lot of existing businesses that already do something similar to your business because we teach you how to deal effectively with any competition. That benefit is well worth any cost you will have to pay because this edge increases your chances of success greatly.
So now there is a source available for a lot of business information that can insure your chances of success in the area of at least a 65% chance of success. The extension of our services as a consultant will also raise the chances to about 75% to about 85 %. When you compare that to the old methods of starting and operating a business where the chances of failure is at about 65% or more you can see that you can reverse that trend with what we are offering.
Look at the idea again and if it really appeals to you that you want to start a business you can contact us and we can give you a 30 minute introductory consulting session to analyze your need to start your own business. It works much better when you have training available that can greatly increase your chances of success. After that consultation if you still have fears of failure you can simply say no to any offers we may make to you. There is never any obligation for you to sign up if you feel you really cannot do it. We know that the fear within you, if it can't really be dealt with effectively, will impair your progress in a business venture. It is only after you deal with that fear that you will be prepared for what a business venture can give you. Things like financial independence are one of those benefits and the possibility of accumulation of a lot of abundance is another. If you find you still have the fear we have a way to help you deal with that fear which we can provide for you during our initial consultation, which is free. Bite the bullet and give us an email or a call after you visit our web site.
Based upon what you have just read you can be sure that if you seek the right training and you hire some mentoring help your chances of successfully entering into a business that has a chances to succeed is greatly increased. Your own business is much more secure than that job you held last or the one you are holding today. The reason why is because you have complete control in this situation and you are in charge of your success. You can't be fired. You can only fail and with the proper help and training you will reduce that to a very small percentage as compared to the way it usually is. Your success can be what you want it to be!
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